
Kaitlin Simpson, otherwise known as KT, has moved too many times to count, but currently resides in Illinois. In the near future she will major in English at a to-be-determined college.  She writes mostly speculative fiction, but dabbles in all genres. However, speculative fiction specifcally calls to her because other worlds are usually much better than the one she lives in.
  • Apart from fiction, Kaitlin writes lots of angsty poetry.
  •  She loves coffee, especially from Starbucks and a little cafĂ© at the Chicago train station.
  •  She is kind of obsessed with the band Anberlin. 
  • She's also a hopeless romantic.
  •  In what is sometimes referred to as free time, apart from writing, she likes to draw/paint, read, dance, and bake.
  •  Her blog is Just Left of Imagination Avenue 
  •  And she can be found spending way too much time on Twitter here